From phase 1 the A&O (left) and NR&W (right) cross at New River Diamond and proceed into Willow Creek, WV.
The Willow Creek end of the staging yard. This will be very visible below Millport's 16th St. Yd. and day lighted. The track at right is the NR&W thru Willow Creek.
Looking from the Willow Creek end, this side of the staging yards runs the length of the wall, which is also the length of the garge above our heads. Viva la extra space! A view block/scene divider with highway overpass will bisect this yard about where the hopper car sits, ending the south end of the railroad at Willow Creek.
The Taft Ave. end of this yard will have an "under the city streets" look to it and have dim lighting compared to the far, Willow Creek end. Millport's 16th St. Yd. will be above. The yard supports train lengths of 20 cars plus power. Many different crew members helped lay the rail and turnouts in these yards.
A three-way turnout begins the ladder into Taft Ave. staging yard, saving real estate and effectively lengthening each track. The stub end tracks are from the Dogtown staging yard. This brief section will be exposed from above and feature a transient camp.
Looking from the far end, or North Ladder, of Dogtown staging yard. This is across the aisle from the Willow Creek/Taft staging yard and will be below Millport's arrival/departure yard- Havens Yard. Ballast has been applied in preparation for Phase 3 construction.