A&O 2.0 Photos

it’s 1968. Teens burned down the outhouse so they’re getting a new one. Bob’s Photography? Hmm

Horns blaring, F3 #221 crawls past Joel Beach.

Hot, humid, great day for the swimming hole.

Ah, Bob has been hired by Ken and Barbie, but Ma and Pa Kettle are photo-bombing them. Now….Later.

Come on! Chicken!!


The south end of the Coal River is a favorite for kayakers.

Another coal train.

Green board. And quite.

The railroad name and the setting seem to go together.

Probably some fish in there.

I think I saw something move in the bushes.

I know there’s something alive on the other side :(

It’s moonshiner Pete. Walk away clean, man.

Up the creek looks to be his ….Still.

Yup. He’s got himself a nice setup.

Hmmm. By the looks of the battery case in back, he “buys” his hideout location from the RR crews. Smart fella.

Twin Creek Viaduct.

500’ of “Just look straight ahead.”

I know where I want to pitch my tent.

Soon it will be time for SMORES.

I guess not “Everybody Welcome.”

And Timber Creek is refreshing.